Hello there, welcome to my personal site! My name is Siralfalot (not gonna use my personal name for privacy reasons),
I am a Scottish communist studying Game Design and Production. I started studying this course as I didnt have much class conciousness
in school, and was primarily going in the direction I thought would lead to me making the most money. However while in University I
started reading marxist theory after a friend from school got in contact with me in my second year. Ever since then I've primarily
been focused on researching Agitprop, and synthisizing my own Agitprop method within the realm of video games. I know that this
will undoubtedly result in me finding it hard to find employment in the videogame industry, but at this point I am fine with that.
Other than the obvious interests of Marxism and video games, I am also interested in reading sci-fi and fantasy books, I love listening to music and watching movies. I am currently engaging in media that follows the 'Epic Theatre' or 'Dialectical Theatre' principles, created by Bertolt Brecht. I plan on using this website for tracking my own personal research, reading, media consumption, writings, etc.
Incase you're wondering who it is on the front page of this site, that is John Maclean, a famous Scottish Revolutionary figure. The quote bellow him is from his famous 'Speech From the Dock'. He was the first revolutionary figure I had read and learnt about, and led to my radicalisation. (I'm even working on a game set within the Red Clydeside movement in Glasgow which he was engaged in!)
With all that out the way, enjoy the site!